Mirror Mirror

I loved the following piece in the Private Eye's regular 'Street of Shame' column - which takes its name from the halcyon days when national newspapers were all concentrated in London's Fleet Street.

How times change.

But is it just coincidence that Labour MPs in the House of Commons have had nothing to say about phone hacking claims at The Mirror - just because it is a Labour supporting paper? 

Personally speaking I can't see any difference between having my phone hacked by the News of the World or The Mirror - either or both would be equally offensive and contemptible. 

"Street of Shame"

"The Sunday Mirror leapt aboard the bandwagon with an editorial blasting Newsnight for abandoning its Savile investigation and accusing the corporation of a "three-week cover up".

How very different from Trinity Mirror (the owner of the Mirror titles), which refused to launch its own internal investigation into allegations of phone-hacking for years - right up until the time four celebrities filed claims against three of its titles in the high court last week."   

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