Unison in the Dock!

Sounds like one of those classic April Fool gags - like the one about spaghetti growing on trees - but today's newspapers were full of an extraordinary tale about a union Legal Officer taking his own union (Unison) to court over an equal pay claim.

According to the papers, Unison's Scottish Legal Officer complained that he is paid less than other union officials on the same grade - and he ought to know what he's talking about since he advises Unison on a whole range of legal matters - including equal pay!

A Legal Officer inside a trade union is not a political figure - unlike the party hacks who pull the strings - some of these leading lights wouldn't know an equal pay claim if it jumped up and bit them on the arse!

So, it's good to see someone making a stand against the union bureaucrats - because they're the ones.who failed to get their fingers out when it really mattered.

Unison members in Scotland know how badly they've been let down over equal pay - now they've been joined by no less a figure than the union's Legal Officer. If Unison can't get its own house in order, how can it possibly expect to give a lead to anyone else?

As they say: "You couldn't make it up".

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