Glasgow - word is spreading

Word is spreading like wildfire around Glasgow about our challenge to the Council's Christmas Compromise Agreements from 2005 - see post dated 26 March 2008.

As part of our efforts to flush out the truth of what happened at that time - we have submitted a Freedom of Information request to Glasgow City Council.

We are concerned that the lawyers who attended the 'acceptance meetings' meeting with council employees were not properly independent or objective about the process - because their firms were being paid by the council and therefore the lawyers involved all had a conflict of interest.

We have asked the council to provide:

1 The names of all the legal firms involved in the December 2005 'acceptance' meetings

2 The names of all the individual solicitors who took part

3 A breakdown of meetings attended by individual firms

4 Details of the costs charged by these individual legal firms

5 The total cost charged by all legal firms instructed by the council

Many people have told us that they were not given proper legal advice at these acceptance meetings - that the lawyers present did not explain the size of their claims or what people stood to lose - but just what they stood to gain.

So, in our view, the process was unfair, unbalanced and one-sided.

If that was your experience, let us know - we are now compiling lists of potential claimants and witnesses to these events in December 2005.

In the meantime, spread the word to friends and co-workers - and register a claim if you feel you were duped or unfairly pressurised into signing Glasgow's Christmas Compromise Agreement.

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