Council Compromise Agreements

We've had lots of calls this week about whether people in other parts of Scotland can challenge their council's Compromise Agreement - as clients in Glasgow are now doing in large numbers.

See posts dated 26 March and 1 April 2008.

The answer is YES - so long as:

1 The council organised the acceptance meetings
2 The council paid for the lawyers who were present at these meetings
3 The council required people to sign a Compromise Agreement before receiving their settlement

According to reports - North Lanarkshire and Edinburgh Councils did exactly the same thing - and if that's the case, then people in these areas can challenge the agreements they were forced to sign.

The unions, by the way, are not challenging the validity of the Compromise Agreement in Glasgow - or anywhere else - as far as we know.

Taking the Compromise Agreement issue up (for those that signed one) does not affect or slow down other people's claims - these are all still making their way through the employment tribunal process - and many are at an advanced stage.

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