South Lanarkshire

A CMD hearing involving South Lanarkshire Council took place at the end of March.

The tribunal ordered the council to provide the job evaluation scores for all the traditional male and female jobs - both before and after the 'single status' exercise that took place back in 2004.

Details of South Lanarkshire's job evaluation scheme should have been freely available to all council employees from the outset - so that people can see for themselves how other jobs have been scored and paid.

Openess and transparency are fundamental to any well run job evaluation exercise - or at least one that has nothing to hide.

So, the tribunal's order represents a big breakthrough for the South Lanarkshire cases - the council is still trying to insist that the trade unions have endorsed their job evaluation scheme.

The unions, on the other hand, say that there is no collective agreement on job evaluation - despite what the council says.

Because the unions are scared of ending up in the dock themselves for agreeing to discriminatory pay arrangements - i.e. higher pay for traditional, unskilled male jobs - especially when 'single status' was supposed to benefit many of the female dominated jobs - which everyone agreed had been undervalued and underpaid for years.

But the truth will out - sooner or later - and the recent tribunal order is another big step along the way.

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