Scotland's Shame On Drug Deaths (July 26, 2022)
I don't know much about Favor (Faces and Voices of Recovery) though I intend to find out more because Annemarie Ward's criticism of Scottish ministers sounds constructive, measured and very fair.
Scotland's Shame On Drug Deaths (May 09, 2022)
Darren MvGarvey's comments post were spot on in August 2021 and Scotland's drug deaths figures have continued their remorseless rise.
If Team Sturgeon were in opposition rather than in government, the SNP would be demanding a public inquiry - and rightly so.
National Mission Is Failing' July 29, 2022
Annemarie Ward, from Favor Scotland, on the latest drug deaths figures:
“These horrendous figures should shame the Scottish Government.“The response to Scotland’s drug deaths crisis has been abysmal. The government has failed to do what’s necessary and the cost is devastating to our communities. Every year we are left with more lost souls and broken families.
“Years after the government promised to finally step up and tackle drug deaths, it’s clear that not much has changed. Nicola Sturgeon said she would make it her national mission to save lives - but we’re still losing more than 1000 people a year. The national mission is failing."