Scotland's National Ferry Scandal
‘Scotland should be seen as a nation where business is conducted openly and honestly. The Ferguson scandal places all of that at risk’ writes Magnus Linklater in Comment
— TimesEditorScotland (@magnusllewellin) September 29, 2022
Here's an excellent summary of Scotland's great ferries scandal by Magnus Linklater in The Times.
"What no one knew at the time, however, was that Ferguson Marine was allowed to go ahead with its bid despite being unable to provide evidence of a builders refund guarantee. That, as the auditor-general has previously made clear, is an absolutely standard financial safeguard. That, to me, smacks of a stitch-up."Magnus wrote his piece before the latest bombshell announcement that ferry costs have soared again taking the total to nearly £340 million - from the original total of just £97 million.

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...........chances are it's a duck.