Glasgow's Fight For Equal Pay

They’re spending £470 million on bike lanes. But sure. — Brian Spella (@BrianSpanner1) September 29, 2022 So the latest news from Glasgow is that the City Council is effectively raising a mortgage on some of our best known buildings to pay for its ongoing obligations on equal pay. Yet the Council is doing so without any help from Scottish Ministers whose public spending watchdog (Accounts Commission) concluded that SNP Ministers and local government both shared responsibility for the 'decade long failure of leadership over equal pay' between 2007-2017. And SNP ministers, as everyone knows, have been cutting the budgets of Scotland's local councils for years! Glasgow's Fight For Equal Pay ( August 12, 2022 ) My contacts in Glasgow City Council (GCC) tell me that furious activity is taking place behind the scenes to identify more council owned property to use as collateral against another big loan - so the council can meet its obligations on equa...