Glasgow, Equal Pay and Pensions

A pensions update for Glasgow's equal pay claimants from the GMB union.


Pensions Update

Over a year ago members started receiving their settlement offers for the part settlement of their equal pay claims. Part of your equal pay claim means that if you have been (and continue to be) in the pension fund, the Council have not made adequate contributions.

Therefore, on top of the money you received in your settlement, the Council made an additional payment to the Strathclyde Pension Fund (SPF) to go into your pension funds.

This should have happened quickly and the delay has been unacceptable. We have now been made aware that Glasgow City Council did do what they needed to and the delay is on the part of the SPF. SPF have now indicated that all payments into funds will be made within a month and within that time, members should also be able to get their recalculation.

We have been made aware of one case where the recalculation seemed incorrect so we will monitor that situation very carefully and take whatever action is necessary to ensure that members get ALL the money you deserve.

It has been very frustrating not to be able to answer questions about timescales with pensions when we know how important that is to people's future but we hope that this issue is now in the process of being resolved.

As ever, as things develop with equal pay, we will keep members informed.

In solidarity,
Rhea Wolfson
GMB Scotland Organiser

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