Jeremy Meets John (05/06/18)

The confected outrage of Jeremy Corbyn supporters over his unflattering portrayal by Tracey Ullman on the BBC has simply served to draw even more attention to the opinion of many, myself included, that the Labour leader is completely unsuited for high office.

But if you ask me, the following spoof of 'Jeremy meets John in Jezza's allotment' is a much more accurate portrayal of a Labour leader who has made the fatal mistake of believing his own propaganda - and who expects to become Prime Minister on the back a juvenile, leftist personality cult.  


Corbyn's Labour (03/06/18)

Tracey Ullman has upset lots of Corbyn supporters with an unflattering portrayal of the Dear Leader whose selfie session (on her comedy programme) is interrupted by a series of 'unwelcome' visitors.

Apparently Labour 'ultras' have taken to Twitter to accuse the comedian David Baddiel of writing the script, presumably as part of another Jewish conspiracy, which is comical itself and just draws even more attention to the problem Labour has with anti-Semitism under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership.


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