Chalk vs Cheese
Compare and contrast these two statements following a cross party meeting of the various opposition parties at Westminster (Labour, SNP, Liberals, Plaid and Green).
What is clear is that Jeremy Corbyn remains committed to the ridiculous notion of a 'Jobs First' Brexit instead of prioritising a People's Vote on the final terms of any deal.
Chalk vs Cheese (08/11/18)
Both before and after Glasgow's historic strike for equal pay some people, mainly politicians, were arguing that industrial action was unnecessary, unjustified and would not change anything.
Yet here's what Stefan Cross had to say about the difference in settlement talks with the Council since the strike took place.
As I put in my update last week. The meetings are now serious. Like chalk and cheese compared to before the strike.
Stefan Cross QC
So let's hope things continue in this vein and that further industrial action is not necessary because that would be in everyone's best interests.
Nae Pasaran! (06/11/18)
I hope the film lives up to the billing I've given it, but let me know what you think yourselves.
Because the people involved in the fight for equal pay in Glasgow - and the recent strike in the city - have every reason to be proud of the stand that they've made.
Because just like the Rolls Royce workers ordinary people sometimes make history by doing the right and decent thing.