Glasgow's Fight for Equal Pay

Regular readers will be interested to learn that it was really the SNP 'wot won' the fight for equal pay in Glasgow City Council! Tune in again soon to read about all the people, events and organisations who have been quietly airbrushed out of history - and who don't even rate a mention in this latest SNP 'community update'. No 'I' in Team (26/03/19) I've been following the Facebook comments on the now infamous equal pay award presented to Glasgow City Council's Lord Provost by the Evening Times. Now the debate ranges from 'the Council can keep the award and stick it where the sun don't shine' to 'what a cheek the Council has holding on to something that really belongs to the Claimants'. I can see both points of view, I have to admit, but there is an obvious issue about what to do with the award if the Claimants decide that they want to wrest it back from the Council. Maybe the thing to do would be to give it...