Glasgow - The Pay Gap Explained

The case put forward on behalf of equal pay claimants in Glasgow is that the Council introduced a pay scheme (WPBR) which was designed to favour traditional male jobs by maintaining all the old pay hierarchies and pay differences. Now this was achieved by manipulating various elements of the WPBR, to the disadvantage of female dominated jobs, for example the NSWP (Non Standard Working Pattern) part of the scheme which focuses on an employee's hours of work and shift patterns. What happened, in essence, is that the Council invented new 'rules' for the NSWP in order to maintain the much higher, bonus-related earnings of traditional male jobs which are highlighted in the post below 'Why Glasgow's WPBR Sucks (3)'. The outcome is that many more men in the Council workforce receive significant NSWP payments than their female colleagues - even though women make up a big majority (70%) of the workforce in Glasgow. What this means is that there are h...