More Breaking News!

Well, I received a quick reply from 'T' in response to my post about SNP MSP Humza Yousaf and the fight for equal pay in Glasgow City Council.

He doesn’t even answer his emails or reply to tweets about equal pay

Now if this is correct, I think it is only fair to draw the situation to the attention of the wider public.

So if any readers have been in touch to ask Humza for support or to explain his views in relation to equal pay - the WPBR, its discriminatory 37 hour 'rule' or the role played by senior officials over the introduction of the WPBR - then please let me know what Humza has had to say.

I'm sure the good people of Glasgow will be interested, even if he has had nothing to say. 


Breaking News! (22/05/18)

Humza Yousaf speaks out!

Not about the fight for equal pay with Glasgow City Council, you understand, but over some obscure row in the Scottish Labour Party.

Here's what Humza had to say on Twitter earlier today:

Jim Crow-esque tactics by Scottish Labour in Pollok. Disenfranchising Labour members to vote in selection contests because they have 'Asian-sounding names' all to rig the ballot for the Corbyn candidate @Cllr_Matt_Kerr - shocking stuff!

Now I don't know if Humza has intervened at the request of the complainers, but I would very much like to hear from any equal pay claimants in Humza's Glasgow Pollok constituency who may have contacted their local MSP for support in the ongoing fight for equal pay.  

Because I would expect a local Glasgow MSP to show the same enthusiasm for holding the City Council to account over issues such as the WPBR's discriminatory 37 hour 'rule' or the role played by senior officials in introducing the WPBR - as Humza has shown in the internal affairs of the Labour Party in Glasgow.

So if any Glasgow readers can help, please drop me a note, in confidence of course - 

In the meantime, here's a link to Politics Home and the story that Humza is trying to fire up. 


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