Mi Casa Es Su Casa

"Mi case es su casa' (My house is your house) is an age old welcome for Spanish speakers around the world which has been given a new twist by the so-called leader of the free world who occupies the White House.

The Independent reports that foreign visitors to Washington DC who would like to visit the White House during their stay are to be treated very differently from US citizens.

Which is odd since all of the terror attacks that have taken place in America since 9/11 have been carried out by American citizens and that's not counting the many more 'non-terrorist' shooting incidents that take place in the US on a regular basis.

"So what's the point of a separate and much more rigorous screening process for non-American visitors when they pose so much less of a threat than your own home grown citizens?" - seems a fair question to raise, if you ask me.

Especially when Presidents George Bush and Barack Obama lived under the same 'threat' to their security for years without pointing the finger of blame (wrongly) at foreigners.

Read about the full extent of President Trump's paranoia in the link below to The Independent.


Donald Trump invites foreign tourists to the White House, then bans them

‘Perhaps I should call Nigel Farage' says disappointed parent

By Simon Calder - The Independent

President Donald Trump exits the Oval Office of the White House in Washington AP

Donald Trump’s chaotic start as US President is now impacting British tourists to Washington DC who hope to visit the White House.

The President and First Lady, Melania Trump, jointly announced the resumption of public tours at their new home. After an intense security screening process, visitors can take a 45-minute self-guided tour.

According to the official White House statement, visitors from the UK and elsewhere can apply for places, saying: “If you wish to visit the White House and are a citizen of a foreign country, please contact your embassy in Washington, DC for assistance in submitting a tour request.”

But the British Embassy in the US capital quickly repudiated the announcement, citing the State Department: “The White House website states that foreign nationals interested in touring the White House should contact their Embassy to arrange a tour.

“However, the Embassy has been advised by the US Department of State that this is on hold. We are therefore unable to process any applications at this time.”

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