Calling Glasgow!

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I've got all the pay slips I require at the moment from employees in Glasgow City Council doing 'claimant' jobs such as Home Carers - and thanks to everyone who got in touch with offers of help.

I could do with a few more pay documents from the council's male workers in 'comparator' and former bonus earning jobs including:
  • Gravediggers
  • Street Sweepers 
  • Refuse Collectors
  • Refuse Drivers
  • Gardener/Drivers
  • Road Worker/Drivers
  • Roadworkers - Grades 1, 2, and 3 
  • Waste Disposal Operatives
As regular readers know, the fight for equal pay has always been about increasing the pay of male workers rather than dragging down the pay of their male colleagues.

So the men and the women are in this fight together - not least because many of the men will have family members, neighbours and friends employed in the female dominated jobs categories.

Male workers in North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire came forward in those councils and the information they provided provide invaluable in securing a fair settlement of the women workers' equal pay claims.

If anyone can help, then drop me a note to: - in confidence of course.

The period I'm particularly interested in is from 2007 onwards so male workers who have retired in recent years will be able to help as well.


Calling Glasgow! (08/03/17)

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As happens from time to time, I am looking for a bit of assistance from the thousands of equal pay claimants across Glasgow.

I am looking for a Home Carer who has kept their pay slips from Glasgow City Council for the past 10 years - covering the period immediately before and after the introduction of new pay arrangements and the council's WPBR (Workforce Pay and Benefits Review) in 2007.

Now this is really important and I'm confident that someone out of all the many A4ES clients in Glasgow will be able to help.

So if anyone has this information to hand, please drop me a note (in confidence of course) to:  


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