Time To Go! (29/06/16)

Image result for monty python + black knight

Jeremy Corbyn has lost the confidence of his fellow Labour MPs by the completely overwhelming margin of 172 votes to 40.

Yet like the Black Knight of Monty Python fame Jeremy vows to fight on inviting people to admire the size of his mandate, as if that counts for anything when the political chips are down.

Tony Blair had a mandate as well and a track record as a three time general election winner, but Blair stood aside when it became clear that it was no longer tenable for him to continue as Labour leader.

So while Jeremy appears to be unable to read the writing on the wall, there's no doubt that it's time for him to go.

Because this is no right-wing coup or zionist conspiracy - instead it's the cold, hard judgement of the vast majority of elected Labour MPs that Jeremy is simply not up to the job.  

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