More Sloppy Work (27/01/15)

Here are some more examples of the sloppy work that went into writing the 'secret' report to North Lanarkshire Council's Corporate Management Team in 2005. 

Paragraph 2.6

"..., pay model NLC5 was more attractive as a long-term workable structure and one which appear (s)to offer competitive salaries,..."

Paragraph 2.7

Quite incredibly Paragraph 2.7 which comes after Paragraph 2.6 is numbered 2.5 - can this possibly mean that the document has been interfered with in some way?

Paragraph 6.8

"This should reduce the cost currently associated with the trainee technician's in the department."

Now I was always taught that if you take great pride and care over all the little things, then the big things tend to take care of themselves.

But this kind of slapdash approach to what was a hugely significant report to the Council's Corporate Management Team suggests there is an awful lot more still to come out. 

I mean, honestly, how is it possible for a major report to the Council's most senior managers to contain such a whopper of a mistake as having two Paragraphs with the same numbering (2.5)?

If you ask me, it makes North Lanarkshire Council look like the local government equivalent of the once famous 'Keystone Cops'. 

Sloppy Work (24 January 2014)

One of the shocking things about the formerly 'secret' North Lanarkshire Council Corporate Management Team report is that some people on really fancy salaries seem unable to punctuate their sentences properly.

Here are a few examples to illustrate what I mean: 

Paragraph 2.3 

"....., the Corporate Management Team at it's meeting on 24 May 2005 agreed that the preferred pay model for North Lanarkshire Council would be NLC5C."

Paragraph 2.5

"An option of five year's cash conservation for 'red circles' has been included in the costings."

Paragraph 2.8

"In the opinion of the Corporate Management Team at it's last discussion, pay model NLC5C was more attractive.............."

And that's only in the first two pages!

But what does it say about senior officials who are paid salaries worth tens of thousands of pounds a year when they don't even know how to use an apostrophe.

The reference on the report, by the way, is 'IW/LD" so I'm assuming that Iris Wylie, who is now the council's head of human resources, signed the document off.

How embarrassing.

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