Hand of God

Just as I've got over the enormous 'shock' of Pope Benedict's resignation - another incredible story comes long.

Because the Pontiff's decision to resign his ministry may have taken everyone by surprise - except God of course - it turns out that a small German company knew what was coming all along.

Amazing as it seems, a small Berlin-based publisher - 'Karicartoon' - prints a humorous cartoon for each day of the calendar year.

And on Sunday 10 February 2013 (i.e. the day before the Pope resigned) - the calendar showed a drawing of the Pope sitting in front of the TV while the lottery numbers are announced.

As the Pontiff finds he that he has all seven winning numbers, he exclaims (in Latin presumably):

"Holy s**t! I will resign tomorrow!"

Apparently the drawing was done by cartoonist Katharina Greve in early 2011 - and the editor of the calendar - Jürgen Holtfreter - decided months ago to place the Pope cartoon on Sunday 10 February 2013.

The very next day Joseph Ratzinger's momentous decision - was announced to the rest of the world.

And just to add a bit more spice to the mix - Jurgen Holtfreter - is a retired graphic designer who describes himself as an atheist - and cannot remember the last time he went to a church service.

Now I know that people will just put this down as a remarkable coincidence, but I disagree - I believe that divine providence must have been at work and that Jurgen Holtfreter should be acclaimed as the next Pope - Pope Jurgen I.

Because he's certainly got the knack - when it comes to performing miracles.

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