Wee Timorous Beasties

I spoke too soon yesterday when I praised the UK Westminster Government - for taking a principled stand on same sex marriage.

Because later on in the day in the House of Commons the government announced a full scale retreat - by taking fright and exempting the Church of England (in England and Wales) from its plans to allow people of the same sex - to get married church.

Now this is like saying your taking a principled stance against organised crime - but then going on to say that the crackdown doesn't apply to The Mafia - or anyone with the name Tony or Soprano.

I haven't quite got my head round the reasons for this ridiculous Church of England (CofE) exemption as yet - though it smacks to me of reverse discrimination - favouritism for organised religion and based around just one religious faith.

Because I presume the 'opt-out' must be due to the fact that the CofE is the 'established' church in England and Wales - literally part of the ruling establishment - part of government of the country.

Everyone knows that the CofE has special privileges, of course, such as reserved seats in the House of Lords - and its place as the established church (of England) is based on ancient rules and laws - one of which still prevents a person of the Catholic faith, for example, from becoming King or Queen of this United Kingdom (UK).

Now the 'reason' for this is that the head of state (i.e. King or Queen) is also the head of the Church of England - and as a consequence it follows that this same person  must also be a member of the CofE - in order to become head of state.

So the first child of Prince William and Kate Middleton can ascend to the throne one day, - if the new baby is a girl.

But if the couple were to convert to the Catholic faith - I'm afraid their new progeny would be out on her ear - likewise in the case of Muslims, Mormons and good old-fashioned non-believers.

The crazy underlying logic being that a woman or a black person - or even an unmarried gay person - could become King or Queen, but only if they are members of the Church of England.

How bonkers is that in modern, democratic, multi-ethnic, meritocratic 21st century Britain?

I just hope that the Scottish Government sticks to its guns over same sex marriage.

Scotland doesn't have an established church, thank goodness - we could do with our politicians at the Holyrood Parliament taking a principled stand on the issue - based on equality under the law - which rejects the 'wee timorous beastie' approach of the government in Westminster.

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