Elected Dictatorships

The campaign over the Alternative Vote (AV) referendum kicked off in earnest today - with the Prime Minister (David Cameron) and Deputy Prime Minister (Nick Clegg) on opposite sides of the fence.

How refreshing it is to see politicians, at the heart of government, airing their differences publicly - then inviting the voters to decide.

As for me - I'm on the side of the Yes campaign.

Because the AV system will take power away from the politicians - by denying them the ability to lord it over the rest of us - based on a minority share of the popular vote.

The government of Margaret Thatcher enjoyed only 40% at best of the popular vote across the UK - but ruled like an elected dictatorship for 11 years - because of the iniquities of the first past the post system.

So too did the governments that followed - including those led by Tony Blair and Gordon Brown - none of them achieved anywhere near 50% of the popular vote - not even New Labour's landslide victory in 1997.

Who's on the side of the No campaign?

Well David Cameron is - along with the trade unions - who are pouring their members' money into fighting for a No vote - which just goes to show conservative they really are - with a small 'c' of course.

AV is not perfect - it's not truly proportional representation - but it is an improvement on parties having an unbreakable grip on power for four or five years - based on a minority share of the popular vote.

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