Conflicting Advice

The Unison branch in South Lanarkshire has issued another of its briefings on equal pay - but the content is as predictable as ever.

Unison has written to all members in South Lanarkshire - saying that they might have an equal pay claim after all - after years of advising people not to take up claims against the council.

As a result many members are spitting mad at the union - and its contradictory advice over the years.

In the recent letter to members - Unison advised that it had carried out an assessment of potential claims in South Lanarkshire.

But the union has not provided members with any details of this new assessment - or explained why the Unison is having second thoughts about its original advice.

The problem for Unison is that members who failed to take up an equal pay claim because of the union's earlier advice - may well have a significant claim against the union itself.

Because these members are being asked to think again - but five years too late.

South Lanarkshire employees who have taken up a claim with Action 4 Equality Scotland - have already protected their position - and these claims are all at an advanced stage.

Action 4 Equality Scotland charges a success fee of 10% + VAT - for providing clients with a professional service.

Unison doesn't charge a separate fee - but on the other hand hasn't provided members with any kind of service.

In fact quite the opposite - since Unison has provided members with conflicting advice for years - then stands on its head without explanation.

So if you think you've been led up the garden path by Unison - then drop Mark Irvine a note at:

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