Unison and Equal Pay

A number of readers from South Lanarkshire have been in touch - to say that they've received an unsolicited letter from Unison on equal pay.

"Do I need to do anything about this letter?", readers wish to know.

If you are an existing client of Action 4 Equality Scotland.

The answer is NO - because your equal pay claim is already underway and has been for several years - for most people.

If you are not an existing client of Action 4 Equality Scotland.

The answer is YES - if you have not registered an equal pay claim because of Unison's previous poor advice - then you should definitely be asking the union what it's playing at.

Because for years Unison has been telling members in South Lanarkshire that they do not have an equal pay claim.

In fact the local Unison branch has been speaking up in support of the council over single status and equal pay - on a regular basis.

So how can the union be facing both ways at the same time - actively supporting the council yet claiming to stand up for its members?

Unison members who do not already have an equal pay claim underway with Action 4 Equality Scotland - should be asking the union if it intends to make good any financial loss you have suffered by following Unison's previous advice.

If Unison fobs you off or doesn't give you a straight answer - then you should consider taking action against the union - because you may well have lost out financially, big time.

In any event Action 4 Equality Scotland can probably help - so contact Mark Irvine by e-mail at: markirvine@compuserve.com or ring the Edinburgh office on 0131 652 7366.

I will re-publish all the recent posts about Unison and South Lanarkshire Council - for the benefit of both new and existing visitors - to the Action 4 Equality Scotland blog site.

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