Buying A Dog and Barking Yourself

A regular reader has been in touch - she already has an equal pay claim underway with Action 4 Equality Scotland.

But her enquiry is on behalf of two work colleagues - who have taken the issue up with their trade union.

Problem is that the union has asked the women to identify a 'comparator' - for the union to use in pursuing their claim.

Which is a bit like buying a dog - then doing all the barking yourself!

Because a 'comparator' is simply a higher earning male dominated job which - as the term implies - is used for comparative purposes - by women workers pursuing equal pay claims.

As the trade unions have negotiated the rates of pay for all jobs - it follows that the unions know who earns what - and why.

Putting the onus on union members to find their own comparator is completely crazy - it's turning equal pay into to some form of Do It Yourself adventure game - which begs the question:

'What are union members paying their dues for?"

So the answer for anyone in this position is to transfer their claims to Action 4 Equality Scotland - because having a dog and barking yourself is a terrible waste of time and energy.

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