South Lanarkshire - Union Advice

A reader from South Lanarkshire has been in touch - regarding new advice on equal pay from the trade unions.

Apparently, the unions are having second thoughts about their advice to members.

Up till now the unions in South Lanarkshire have advised members not to pursue equal pay claims to the Employment Tribunals - and, so far, the unions have not brought a single case.

The logic of the unions position is not entirely clear - but what is clear is that this is a very risky strategy.

Because if the unions end up making the wrong call - which they have on other issues, of course - it's ordinary members who will lose out, big time.

And that's making the trade unions very nervous.

Because the unions could end up being sued by their own members in South Lanarkshire - if the advice they've given proves to be negligent.

Hence, the reports about the unions suddenly changing their tune - and going back on their previous advice.

If you have any useful information to pass on, drop Mark Irvine a note at:

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