Midlothian Council

Some councils in Scotland have been trying to wear people's resolve by dragging out the employment tribunal process - for as long as possible.

Presumably their aim is to make claimants so fed up - that they will either give up their claim altogether - or accept a poor settlement that is worth much less than they deserve.

Midlothian is one of the worst offenders - the council has recently been sending out offers of settlement direct to Action 4 Equality Scotland clients.

The council's tactics are quite deliberate - they are trying to by-pass us in the hope that people might take a decision in haste - and without taking proper advice.

A few folk have done so - which is a shame for them - but the great majority of people have stood firm and are holding out for a fair settlement of their claims.

But what does it say about a council - a Labour controlled council - that is prepared to behave in this way.

And what have local MPs or MSPs had to say on behalf of their constituents? So far, not a lot.

But the signs are that the council is re-thinking its position - no doubt the forthcoming hearings are helping to concentrate minds - our experience is that the prospect of a GMF hearing does wonders for common sense.

So our advice is - don't give in to this kind of unreasonable behaviour - hold out for a proper settlement of your claim.

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