'Protection Period' claims

In the past couple of weeks there’s been a surge of enquiries about ‘protection period claims – especially from Glasgow, North Lanarkshire, Edinburgh, Fife and Renfrewshire Councils.

Word seems to be spreading that people have new and substantial claims – because the councils are protecting the much higher (bonus–related) pay of their traditional male jobs - such as gardeners, refuse workers and road workers.

When the employers’ introduce a new pay and grading system – they always agree to protect the existing and higher rates of traditional male jobs enjoy for at least 3 years – although the exact length of the protection period varies from council to council.

But because of the recent landmark decision in the Court of Appeal – see post dated 2 August 2008 – women are now entitled to the same rate of pay as the men - for the entire length of that protection period.

For lots of people this will be a highly significant claim - which will be based on all hours worked x the difference in pay between the two jobs - over a period of three years or more.

Many traditional male jobs in Scottish councils continue to be paid at between £8.50 and £10.00 per hour.

So, your claim for equal pay is for the difference in pay between your job and the job of your male comparator – for as long as the difference in pay continues.

How do you make a claim?

Ring Action 4 Equality Scotland on 0845 300 3 800 – or contact Mark Irvine at:

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