Edinburgh and Equal Pay

Edinburgh council is making a mess of equal pay - we’ve been saying that for a long time – but the recent Employment Tribunal decision (Wilkinson v Edinburgh City Council - see post dated 23 October 2008) suggest the game is up, or at least is coming to an end.

So, we’re turning the heat up on the council officials responsible by writing directly to all Edinburgh councillors, MSPs and MPs – a copy of our letter is reproduced below.

We say it’s high time the council addressed the real issues at stake - instead of wasting public money on procedural hearings – which only increase the cost to the council taxpayer.

Council officials hoped that equal pay would fizzle out and go away – but it hasn’t and the best way to force their hand now - is for everyone as many people as possible to register a claim – that’s the fastest way to bring the council to its senses and resolve the outstanding cases.

If the number of claims keeps going up, the council will have to face reality – by either defending the cases in court, or negotiating a settlement.

Action 4 Equality is planning a series of meeting across Edinburgh to get this message home – if you want to get involved in your own local area contact Mark Irvine at:

Dear Councillor/MSP/MP

Edinburgh and Equal Pay

Edinburgh City Council is digging an ever deeper hole for itself over equal pay.

Here's the latest Action 4 Equality Scotland press release highlighting a recent and damning decision from the Employment Tribunals - a situation that could have been avoided, not least because we offered to negotiate a settlement to all outstanding cases, with council officials, earlier this year.

But the city's officials chose to test the issue to destruction and the council will now pay a heavy price if it continues to adopt such an intransigent stance - another example is its refusal to recognise the perfectly valid claims of former male manual workers doing predominantly female jobs (e.g. male home helps) - which other councils in Scotland settled long ago.

The real issue that needs to be addressed is: Why is a council carer, cook, classroom assistant or clerical worker - not worth the same pay as a council gardener or refuse worker?

I am sure you will take the opportunity to make your views known more widely within the council - if you require any further information or clarification, please let me know.

Kind regards

Mark Irvine

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