What should the unions be doing? (2)

The unions should really be doing what they promised to do 10 years ago.

Implement an equal pay agreement and JE scheme that treat everyone fairly - and in a way that delivers a better deal for the many female dominated jobs that have been undervalued for years.

That's what Single Status was all about in the first place - sorting out a crazy pay system that paid refuse workers and suchlike so much more than carers, classroom assistants and clerical workers.

And that's what a new non-discriminatory JE scheme was supposed to put right.

So, instead of windy rhetoric - what union members need is practical support and help in challenging what the employers are doing in many areas.

First and foremost - the unions should be making it clear whether they support the employer's new JE scheme - if they don't support what an employer is doing, they should be making that clear to their members - and shouting their opposition from the rooftops.

The unions should also be explaining how the old JE schemes worked - e.g. how the refuse worker and home carer were evaluated and graded before Single Status - because only then will people understand how much they're being conned by the new arrangements.

Once members realise how the old and new JE schemes work - wild horses won't stop them from demanding that action is taken - to challenge some of the more ludicrous grading decisions of the employers.

Then the task is to identify target groups on which to mount test cases - and argue that the results of the JE scheme continue to discriminate against many female jobs.

The obvious example - although there are others such as classroom assistants, catering managers and clerical workers - is still a Home Carer. In 1998 a carer was graded at Manual Worker Grade 5 - significantly higher than a Refuse Driver on Manual Worker Grade 4.

In 2006 Glasgow awarded the carer Grade 3 and the Refuse Driver Grade 4 - a difference of £2300 not counting Non Core Pay - even though the carer's job has grown enormously with all the additional duties and responsibilities from care in the community.

Our view is Glasgow's new JE scheme is almost as bad as the old one - perhaps worse - because the employers' should have learned their lesson by now.

So, ask what you union is doing about these issues - raise them with your local union rep and at union meetings - you deserve straight answers to straight questions - that's what people have been paying their unions dues for all these years.

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