Job Evaluation - Glasgow

First of all, credit where credit's due!

Glasgow City Council has finally published the results of its new job evaluation (JE) scheme - and made the results freely available to all employees.

So, if you want to know more about how your job has been graded in Glasgow - for example, the individual scores that determine your grade and what your job gets paid - then the data is easily accessible - both on the council's internal intranet and in hard copy, if you prefer.

Now, you might need a bit of help to follow the twists and turns of the Glasgow JE scheme - but with a bit of hard work and perseverance - the many problems and contradictions soon become clear.

Traditional male jobs - do much better than traditional female jobs - right across the grades.

For example, before Glasgow's new JE scheme a Home Carer was on a higher grade (MW5) than a council Refuse Driver (MW4).

But after Glasgow's new JE scheme, these positions are completely reversed - with the female job placed on Grade 3 and the male job on Grade 4 - which is a whopping pay difference of £2,300 per year.

To add insult to injury - the skills and knowledge score of the carer's job is awarded only 80 points while the refuse driver gets a massive (and highly questionable) 144 points.

The changes in the two jobs - since they were last evaluated in 1988 - are clearly in favour the carer's job which has become much more demanding - because the needs of elderly people living in the community have grown enormously in recent years - and the carer's role has expanded to meet these needs - as everyone knows!

But despite all the obvious evidence to the contrary, the Glasgow JE scheme boosts the male job - which leapfrogs over the female job - and incredibly ends up on a higher and better paid grade.

Which explains why so many people have voted with their feet - and pursued an equal pay claim with Action 4 Equality Scotland and Stefan Cross.

More examples from Glasgow to follow - in the meantime - if you have any queries, drop me a note at -

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