North Ayrshire - Job Evaluation

North Ayrshire Council is not only in the process of imposing new contracts on all of its staff - the council is also trying to lay down the law when it comes to challenging the new grades that flow from its job evaluation scheme.

North Ayrshire will no doubt follow the same path as other councils that have gone down this route:
  1. The council will refuse to give details of how other (male dominated) jobs have been graded - an essential piece of information - otherwise how can anyone judge if the exercise has been carried out fairly and properly, when they can't compare one job to another?

  2. The council will try to restrict people's rights of appeal - to very narrow and limited grounds of appeal - ones stacked in the council's favour instead of being fair and even-handed - but the management are just making these rules up as they go along

  3. The council will introduce ridiculous time limits - which have not even been discussed never mind agreed staff - again just to make life difficult and discourage people from challenging their new grades.
The good news is that by pursuing an equal pay claim these vital issues are taken to an independent body - an Employment Tribunal - which crucially is outside of the council's control.

North Ayrshire then ceases to be both judge and jury in its own cause, which is what really terrifies the senior management - who have been making a mess of equal pay for all these years.

Action 4 Equality will be issuing advice to clients about the job evaluation process - this can be sent to you electronically, if you would like to request a copy by e-mailing Mark Irvine at:

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