Edinburgh - Settlement in Sight

Our clients in Edinburgh will be pleased to learn that we are close to reaching a settlement with the City Council.

Talks have been underway, intermittently, over the past two months. There are still a number of important issues to resolve - but we are confident that an outline agreement with the City Council will be reached soon - hopefully within the next couple of weeks.

If so, a timetable for payment will run over the summer months - with a likely completion date by early September.

We cannot go into specific details at the moment, unfortunately. We are not clear, for example, whether Edinburgh will decide to exclude certain groups, as Glasgow did recently. If so, the fight for these groups will continue.

But as soon as we can spell things out - we will do so via a new post on the web site.

So, everyone one should take heart from the fact that yet another council (Scotland's second largest behind Glasgow) is now keen to settle.

And, of course, people can use this latest breakthrough to put pressure on those councils that are still dragging their feet.

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