NHS Joint Futures - Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid!

Sources within Scottish Executive have drawn an interesting fact to our attention. Some of the 'best brains' from local government and the unions have apparently been giving NHS Scotland the benefit of their wisdom and experience - on how to deal with equal pay.

The Joint Futures Human Resources Group (JFHRG) met with ministers and civil servants back in 2004 to drive forward a modernising pay agenda - talks which led to, you guessed, Agenda for Change.

So here are some of the brightest and best who gave of their valuable time to the JFHRG - free of charge as far as we can tell.

Iris Wylie - a legend in her own lunchtime and head of personnel at North Lanarkshire Council (NLC) - largely responsible for the dog's dinner NLC has made of equal pay, having lost a crucial ballot is now simply ignoring the workforce and the unions - long time advisor to CoSLA (the employers umbrella body) on equal pay amongst other things - see previous post dated 16 April 2007.

Joe Di Paola - Unison's key negotiator on equal pay from 1999 to 2006 at which point Joe suddenly jumped ship and transferred his allegiance to the employers side - now installed as CoSLA's equal pay supremo, but this poacher turned gamekeeper has zero credibility with his new employer chums and former union colleagues - see previous post dated 16 April 2007

Murray MacFarlane - head of personnel at North Ayrshire Council and the inspiration behind the council's current 'scorched earth' approach towards industrial relations with staff - North Ayrshire is going down the same bullying route as North Lanarkshire Council by imposing changes and behaving like a rougue employer - see previous posts dated 02 and 12 July 2007.

So, if the track record of these individuals is anything to go by, the message for NHS staff is clear - be afraid, be very afraid!

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