
Never Hero Worship Politicians

Enough with the euphemisms. Yes, Alex Salmond was a ‘complicated’ figure. But the truth is he happily peddled untruths and often behaved appallingly. — alexmassie (@alexmassie) October 16, 2024 Alex Massie with a thoughtful opinion piece on the life a nd times of Alex Salmond.   A  titan of Scottish politics ? Sure, no doubting that. A great man? Perhaps. A good man? Well, we know that there is only so much daylight the magic can be expected to bear.  

Phoenix A and Puny Singularities

Phoenix A laughs at your puny singularity. — Rogerborg ⬛🟧 (@RogerOfBorg) October 17, 2024 RogerOfBorg's post made me laugh - there's always a bigger fish in the sea!  Ever Feel Small and Insignificant? ( October 17, 2024 ) Astonishing image of the largest black hole discovered in the universe, so far, which dwarfs the size of  our entire solar system.   

A Man's A Man

Man pretending to be a woman says you wouldn't be able to tell he's a man just by looking at him. Is he right? — Kat Kanada (@KatKanada_TM) October 10, 2024 I would say it's easy to tell this man's a man because of his out of control aggression and hostility towards women.

Why Is There A War In Gaza?

NEVER FORGET 7/10 — נועה מגיד | Noa magid (@NoaMagid) October 16, 2024 Defenceless Israelis murdered in cold blood by sadistic Palestinian fanatics - there is no justification for October 7.  

Ever Feel Small and Insignificant?

Largest Black Hole ever discovered dwarfing our entire solar system — Black Hole (@konstructivizm) October 16, 2024 Astonishing image of the largest black hole discovered in the universe, so far, which dwarfs the size of  our entire solar system.   

Extraordinary, Daring, Inspiring

Sometimes things do work after all — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 16, 2024 Space X - what an extraordinary feat of imagination and engineering!  

No Jews, No News?

This is the Kurdish city of Afrin in northern Syria, completely destroyed by Turkey. Around 300,000 Kurds were ethnically cleansed, and thousands were killed, wounded, maimed, or orphaned. Turkey settled one million Arabs and Turkmens in occupied Kurdish territory. — ‌Hemdad Mehristani (@Mehristani) October 14, 2024 How strange that all the terrible conflicts in the Middle East, and other parts of the Islamic world, don't result in marches and protests in the west!