Out of Control Facebook Warriors

I've said on the blog before that DM Legal is out of control on Facebook and here's more evidence that things have gone from bad to worse   

Someone called Catherine O'hara has followed DM's lead by repeating the same false, malicious claim about Frances Stojilkovic and her equal pay settlement with Glasgow City Council.

Not to be outdone another Facebook warrior who goes by the name of Tricia Sweeney had the gall to say ''TELL that fucking tramp to fuck off and don't get me started on the GMB".

What an ugly, unpleasant and completely ignorant way for anyone to behave never mind grown women - they should all be thoroughly ashamed of themselves!

Yet instead of taking these clowns to task the truth is Donna Marie encouraged their irresponsible behaviour by calling Frances a 'Traitor' on the DM Legal Facebook page. 

Time for Donna Marie to get a grip and apologise if you ask me, while there's still time.


Unguided Missiles (10/01/20)

I see that the resident 'unguided missile' at DM Legal Ltd has gone off on another of their ill-judged, ill-tempered rants - only this time the target is none other than Frances Stojilkovic, a long-standing champion of the fight for equal pay in Glasgow.

Now I struggle to understand how anyone in their right mind would even dream of calling Frances a 'Traitor' (see below) because Frances has done more than anyone I know to support the cause of her fellow workers in Glasgow City Council over many years.

'Selfless' and 'tireless' are the words that spring mind and I think it's fair to say that Frances and her campaign has encouraged thousands of council employees in Glasgow (trade union members and non-union members alike) to protect their interests by registering equal pay claims against the City Council.

Yet not content with this awful trash-talking, disparaging nonsense on Facebook, DM Legal Ltd go on to make a false and damaging claim about a Glasgow employee's equal pay settlement - which is of course none of their business, as well as having the disadvantage of being completely untrue.

So why do DM Legal Ltd who, in their own words, are "legally qualified professionals" think it's OK to speak in this nasty way?

I suspect we may not have heard the last of this story because if you ask me, it's completely unacceptable for supposedly professional people (and their organisations) to be so irresponsible and out of control on social media.

Meanwhile it's worth reminding readers that DM Legal Ltd have played absolutely no part in the long fight for equal pay in Glasgow City Council and are not involved in the work that is currently underway to replace the Council's 'unfit for purpose' WPBR pay scheme.


Out of Control (21/06/19)

Anyone who is dumb enough to say, in public, on social media: 

"To be honest I don't give a fuck about professionalism" 

Has a big problem if you ask me and is drawing attention to the fact that they cannot control themselves.  

For some reason I keep receiving infantile messages from these 'Facebook chancers' who tell me that they want to be taken seriously.

Yet they keep slagging off the Glasgow Claimants for accepting equal pay settlements which have been the subject of a fierce battle, both in and out of court, for the past 12 years.  

Here's another of their dumb Facebook comments: 

"I would never take any settlement knowing my friends and colleagues were only getting 5 years money and £17,000 if they were lucky." 

Now I have no idea what would drive someone to speak in such an arrogant and condescending manner, but it's embarrassing and unprofessional for sure. 


Unguided Missiles 2 (20/01/20)

A kind reader sent me this Facebook post from Donna Marie at DM Legal who seems to think she can attack people and call them nasty names with impunity on social media.

More on this subject to follow soon, but in the meantime DM seems to have taken a leaf out of an old Unison playbook with her ugly nonsense about 'English companies appearing on the scene and causing hassle for us legal companies in Scotland'.

What a load of old baloney - see posts below from the blog site archive.


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