PayFest 2019 - Glasgow's Big Equal Pay Party

I met with colleagues from Unison and the GMB last week to discuss the arrangements for PayFest 2019 on Saturday 6th July 2119 - here are the main points to report back.

'PayFest' Tickets
To make it easier for people 'PayFest' tickets will also be available to purchase direct from the GMB, Unison and Frances Stojilkovic since not everyone has easy access to the internet or is used to buying items over the phone.

PayFest tickets can also be bought via A4ES either by phone at 0131 659 9958 or online at: 

'PayFest' Piper
Everyone agrees that we should have a PayFest Piper to welcome the PayFest partygoers on the night - so this will be arranged.

Spirit of the Strike
Glasgow's historic equal pay strike will be a big feature of the evening and we aim to have placards, banners and other items to decorate the Barrowland Ballroom and for people to use in taking photos - see below. 

Social Media Wall
A 'Social Media Wall' will be on display on one side of the Barrowland Ballroom and the aim is to show lots of images of Glasgow's long-running dispute - including the various rallies, strike days and so on.

So if you have any photos or images to share please send pas them on to A4ES, GMB or Unison - more details to follow soon.

A 'Photo-booth' has now been agreed so that the PayFest Partygoers can take fun-filled pictures of themselves and their guests on the night - with props and placards and suchlike.

Payfest 2019 Video
A live video of PayFest 2019 will be recorded on the night and Partygoers will be able to access this after the event. 

A smaller live 'Karaoke' will be organised in the smaller downstairs bar (not the main ballroom). So be prepared to belt out out a number or two and join in the fun!

Glasgow Tapas
We are going to see if a local business or food truck is willing to sell some tasty and decent 'fast food' on the night - rolls, burgers or noodles. Ideas and suggestions are welcome.  

PayFest 2019 Medals or Badges 
A good idea to emerge from the meeting was to organise commemorative badges instead of medals for all the PayFest Partygoers - enquiries are now underway.

A Tribute Mural to Glasgow's Equal Pay Claimants 
Another idea we discussed was the suggestion of commissioning a Mural as a lasting tribute to Glasgow's Equal Pay Claimants - on the gable end of a city centre building. Enquiries are also now underway.

Well over 500 PayFest tickets have now been sold and we intend to keep the ticketing arrangements in place because there are almost two months to go before Saturday 6th July.

We will have to introduce a cut-off date nearer the time as the numbers attending need to be finalised at some point, for safety and other reasons.

So that's all the latest news for the moment, but more to follow in the weeks ahead. 

If readers have any suggestions or comments, please drop me a note at: 


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