Glasgow Settlement Offers - Next Steps (2)

Stefan posted on Facebook yesterday with an appeal to A4ES clients to stop 'bombarding' the A4ES office with emails - almost 2,000 email enquiries were received on Tuesday alone.

Now the A4ES staff have much more important things to do with their time than answer frivolous queries such as:

"Why hasn't my offer letter arrived?" or "Are there any further deductions to be made to my settlement offer?" 

So if you have a genuine issue or problem by all means send the A4ES office an enquiry.

But repeat and unnecessary emails just slow down the job of getting completed documents back to Glasgow City Council so that settlement payments can be made into the Claimants' bank accounts.     


Glasgow Settlement Offers - Next Steps (28/05/19)

Lots of Claimants have been in touch to ask, "What happens next with the Glasgow settlement offers?"

Well, first of all, Claimants have to accept their offers and return the completed paperwork which then requires to be carefully double-checked by A4ES.

The next step is to send all the complete documents off to Glasgow City Council so that payments can be made into Claimants' bank account.

Now this is another mammoth exercise - one which is already underway and we will obviously keep everyone informed about progress in the days ahead.

So that's about all for now other than to say that we have received a huge number of lovely messages from very satisfied Claimants which I'll share on the blog site when I get the chance.     


What You See Is What You Get (27/05/19)

Karl Bromley has been inundated with messages from A4ES clients asking whether any further deductions apply to their equal pay settlement offers.

Well the short answer to that is - NO!

What you see in the offer column is the amount that will be paid into your bank account - WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get).




Glasgow Settlement Offers (24/05/19)

As Glasgow Claimants begin to receive their long awaited settlement offers here's a timely reminder for people to be nice to their local 'postie'.

Along with another reminder not to ring the A4ES office if your offer letter hasn't arrived (but your neighbour's has) - because A4ES isn't responsible for the postal service. 


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