
Showing posts from May, 2019

Karl B - Readers' Comments

Here's a selection of readers' comments from Glasgow Claimants who seem rather pleased with Karl B's new client tracker App.      Thank you Karl x C He certainly is x E Brilliant Karl x thankyou xx πŸ’žπŸ‘ A Brilliant what a wee clever clogs our Karl is x F Excellent just gets better and better xx J πŸ‘πŸ‘Got it πŸ‘πŸ‘ J Is this Karl Bromley human or some kind of superior intelligence from another world . No end to this mans talent . Oh yes it works as just tried it πŸ‘Œ M What a guyπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ. Just downloaded it brilliant πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— J Got it. This group has taught me how too use a laptop and now install appsπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ƒ A Got it! Ta much A4ES❀️ M

Karl B - Genius At Work

When he's not trying on kilts for PayFest, or staying up through the night to sort out people's settlement offers, Karl Bromley manages to turn his mind to other things - such as setting up a new App so that A4ES clients can keep bang up to date with progress on their claims.  See Facebook post below from Stefan.     PHONE APPS FOR A4ES CLIENTS The genius that is Karl Bromley has now created an app for our clients so you can now keep up with client tracker on your phones, too. We have now added the Play store and Apple store Icons to the footer of our website were the apps can be downloaded. You can also search for the apps in Play store and Apple store by searching A4ES. The app works similar to the online version and will require you to firstly enter in your Ni Number and Password to gain access to the app. Happy appy Stefan Cross Karl, Kilts and PayFest 2019 (06/05/19) I kept Karl B company on his mission last week to get 'kilted-out' for PayFe...

PayFest 2019 - Glasgow's Big Equal Pay Party

I said in a previous post that I would arrange for the Host and DJ for PayFest 2019, Paul Harper, to meet some of the Claimants - ahead of Glasgow's big equal pay party on Saturday 6 July 2019.   So this meeting went ahead yesterday in Van Winkle, a Bar and Grill which is right across the road from The Barrowlands. Fiona Winchester from Heart Radio was there and interviewed Betty, Frances, Rosie and Yvonne about the PayFest Party and the long fight for equal pay with Glasgow City Council. The sale of PayFest tickets has taken a back seat while all the settlement letters have been going out, but will start up again in earnest over the next day few days. Our friends at Van Winkle have kindly offered to host a pre-party gathering on the evening of PayFest and not only is Van Winkle very close to The Barrowlands - the Bar also has a Beer Garden so let's hope its a dry and sunny evening. More details to follow - so watch this space. ...

Glasgow Settlements - Readers' Comments

Lots of Glasgow Claimants have been in touch to share their thoughts and comments having received details of their settlement offers. To be honest, I never thought it would take 12 long years for us to achieve equal pay justice in Glasgow. Scotland's largest council has been tough nut to crack for sure, b ut when all is said and done it's been a real pleasure to make such a big difference to so many people's lives. And here's a selection of what the Glasgow Claimants have been  saying about their settlements - via my blog site, by email and also on Facebook and Twitter.        Still crying every time i think how this is going to change my life from the bottom of my heart thank you stefan mark karl and frances and all working behind the scenes xxx D Thank you guys again and again you have pulled out all the stops M Thank you all so much you are absolute diamonds xxxxx L Superman Karl what a man needs a well deserved re...