Trump's Doppelgãnger

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Some wag on Twitter suggested the other day that there is an uncanny resemblance between Donald Trump and Sloth from the famous 1980s movie - The Goonies.

I think. they may have a point, you know, although Sloth turns out to be a hero in the movie which is where any similarity with Trump breaks down - because Trump's no Superman.


Bad Hair Day (09/02/18)

Anyone who spend so much time, energy and money to cover up a big bald patch on the back of his head - has to be a few egg sandwiches short of a picnic.

Why doesn't Trump do what other men do which is to accept the inevitable and cut their hair very short?

Although to be fair people would then make fun of Trump for having a military-style haircut when, as a matter of fact, he repeatedly ducked the draft to Vietnam because for 'bone spurs' in his heels.


Draft Dodger Trump (11/03/17)

President Donald Trump wears a flight jacket and an admiral's cap aboard the Gerald R. Ford carrier

Donald Trump is posing here in a flight jacket and admiral's cap during a recent visit to an aircraft carrier, but it's worth pointing out that America's commander-in-chief is a 'draft dodger' who received no less than five deferments from serving in the Vietnam War.

Apparently one of these deferments was down to 'bone spurs' in both heels although this condition didn't seem to hold Trump back during his four years at university during which time he was regarded as a 'student athlete' who played football, basketball, baseball tennis and squash.

Clearly, self-obsessed narcissists like Trump have no qualms about indulging in such cowardly. shameless behaviour.

Donald J. Trump, center, as a high school senior in 1964 at the New York Military Academy.CreditNew York Military Academy


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