Readers' Comments

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I've received lots of comments on the late-running job evaluation review in North Lanarkshire Council and other topical posts on the blog site.

Here is a selection of what readers have had to say via Facebook, Twitter and by email.

Now as I've said before Liking, Sharing, and Retweeting on Facebook and Twitter is a great way of getting involved in the fight for equal pay and turning the heat up on the likes of Glasgow and North Lanarkshire Councils.

Because when people share information and state their own strongly held views this has the effect of galvanising others into action including local and national politicians.

And before you know it the campaign lifts off as more folk find the confidence to stand up, speak out and raise their concerns.

So keep up the good work since many hands make light work!

More to follow soon.

Shining a light on North Lanarkshire Council

I think this surely warrants an external audit into the entire council now. Too many big bonuses to senior management and short payments to lower paid workers who now are having to beg equal pay due to them. Investigation needed surely ?

I agree. if nlc want to be transparent as mr logue implied then it needs to be an external audit because right now no one has any trust in anything this council has to say simply because theyve lied so consistently over the last two decades

Its time Audit Scotland were involved in this fiasco.. £100 million of taxpayers money wasted...why is this not being challenged!!!!

NLC's late-running JE exercise

This is getting ridiculous now !

This situation is farcical now. Should have been independent people, I.e. like Mark Irvine on these job evaluations owing to the botch up made last time round. Only fair in my opinion! This all seems far too Deja Vu !

And as for the Job Evaluation being carried out just now I have absolutely no faith in it being done correctly. ..seniors sent out by headquarters to shadow workers timing how much physical effort is needed to provide support for service users(using a stopwatch on their personal phone) comes another fiasco !!

Nicola Sturgeon's comments on taking action against foot-dragging councils

thought she could not get involved with the councils turn around in time for votes

Its funny what votes can do

its not for the want of asking for their help but 12 years down the line about time someone noticed as this will not go away

The role of the unions

Great job a4e

Fight on A4E we aren't missing what we've never had from GCC . As for the unions pppffftt I'd be more surprised if they had actually backed the workers on equal pay.

No surprise there then. Unions sold us down the river when this all started and as for the labour council.....about time the people of glasgow took control and kicked them all out of their highly paid jobs. If the council had just held up their hands admitted the got it wrong years ago they might have saved themselves some money and wouldn't be make cuts to services to pay all the legal fees that are mounting up.

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