Project Europe

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So far, I have to say I am none too impressed with the Yes campaign for the UK to remain a member of the European Union (EU).

Every time I hear or read about what someone has to say on the subject, they preface their remarks by attacking another supporter on the Yes side, as the former Labour leader Ed Miliband did the other day when the thrust of his argument was to attack the Tories.   

As a result I am compiling my own list of reasons for voting Yes which have little to do with what the politicians have been saying up until now. 

1 Ease of travel and cheap flights to EU member countries

2 Free health cover while on holiday or business within the EU zone

3 Lower mobile phone costs instead of exorbitant mobile roaming charges 

4 Opportunities for young people to live and study in other EU countries courtesy of the Erasmus programme 

Now that's just for starters and I'll think about what else I can add in the weeks ahead without banging on about the all too obvious items such as the fact that the EU is our most important trading partner. 

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