Cloud Cuckoo Land (07/01/15)

North Lanarkshire Council has managed to upset yet another group of workers, Sheltered Housing Officers, who questioned why their jobs which clearly carry lots of responsibility were not deemed to be of 'equal value' to a Refuse Collector.

Now I've known lots of refuse workers in my time, and they do an essential and tough job, in all weathers, often with a great sense of humour.

But I would never in my life try to argue that the duties and responsibilities of a  Sheltered Housing Officer failed to match up to those of a Refuse Collector - it just doesn't make sense if you thing about it for any length of time.

For example, my mother lived in sheltered housing for a number of years and while she was independent up to a point, the support of the on-site housing officer or 'warden' was crucial to my mum's safety general well being on a day-to-day basis    

Yet under North Lanarkshire Council's controversial job evaluation scheme (JES), Refuse Collectors are awarded more points than Sheltered Housing officers and are, therefore, paid at a higher grade and rate of pay.

Which is a completely barmy state of affairs, in my opinion, and if you look objectively and fairly at the duties and responsibilities of the two jobs, the only reasonable conclusion to draw if you ask me, is that North Lanarkshire Council is living in cloud cuckoo land.

So no wonder the Sheltered Housing Officers, Home Carers, Playground Supervisors,  School Crossing Patrollers, Classroom Assistants and many others beside are angry at the way North Lanarkshire Council has treated their jobs in recent years.

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