Leadership Material (03/08/15)

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Dan Hodges wrote an interesting article for the Total Politics web site with the thought provoking strap line "What happens if Corbyn wins?".

The full piece can be read via the following link, but it seems inevitable to me that civil war would break out because no one seriously believes that a Corbyn-led Labour party could win a general election in 2020. 
Because as I said in an earlier post Jeremy Corbyn has 'risen without trace' in the Labour party for the past 32 years and during the past four decades this 66-year old has failed to make any kind of impression while Labour was either in government or sitting on the opposition benches. 

So to suggest that Jeremy Corbyn is capable of acting as UK Prime Minister is as daft as it sounds since that is the only reason for anyone wishing to become their party's leader - that they have the ability, experience and leadership qualities needed to govern the country in difficult times. 

True, there may be some who see Jeremy as Labour's answer to Alexis Tsipras in Greece, but just look at the mess Syriza has made of trying to play 'hard ball' with their neighbours in the European Union.

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