Celebrating Defeat

The deputy general secretary of the Communication Workers Union (CWU), a chap called Terry Pullinger,  has caused controversy in Labour ranks with his comments about celebrating the recent general election defeat because this resulted in Jeremy Corbyn becoming leader.

Now if that's not a 'Messiah' complex, I don't know what is, but read for yourself what Mr Pullinger has to say, as a leader of a trade union which used to boast of having someone of the calibre of Alan Johnson as its general secretary  

“It’s unacceptable that the political debate has got so narrow. 

Since Thatcher, that conventional wisdom says it has to be the free market, there has to be competition and there’s no other way — and anyone who says different is barmy, or non intelligent.

“We’ve been desp
erate to see that conventional wisdom blown apart and we have, by Jeremy Corbyn.

“Actually now it makes you want to celebrate the fact that Labour lost the election.”

During the Labour leadership election, the boss of CWU famously called fellow Labour members as a 'virus' within the party which suggest to me that these crazy people don't know how to behave towards each other, never mind the wider electorate. 

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