Tasty Treats

'Stupid is as stupid does' - as Forest Gump used to say.

Which was the thought that jumped into my mind when I read the bizarre story about the winner of a cockroach-eating competition - who died shortly after cowing down on dozens of the live beasties washed down with some live worms.

The venue for this madness was the Ben Siegel Reptile Store in the State of Florida.

The poor chap who won the contest yet paid with his life was a chap named Edward Archbold - probably someone of Scottish descent in the distant past if his surname is anything to go by.

30 other idiots joined in the competition though no one else died - or suffered any ill effects - which is amazing.

The prize for eating the most live cockroaches and worms - was a python, would you believe, which Mr Arhbold planned to sell to a friend.

Such a shame - but that's what you get when lots of young men try to start living the American dream - after watching too many epsiodes of Jackass.

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