Olympic Spirit

I laughed like a drain when I read this local news item from the Hamilton Advertiser.

The coincidence of the airline offering exactly four business class upgrades and the fact that these were then gladly taken up by three councillors and a senior official - is just too funny for words.

In years gone by Labour minded folks used to say that - 'under socialism everyone will travel first class' - but until then business class will have to do for those and such as those.

I would have thought that if anyone deserved a bit of extra rest and relaxation on such a long flight - it would have been the 18 young athletes and 6 coaches.

But there you have it - under socialism not everyone will travel first class it seems - not even business class in fact.  

Lanarkshire councillors in South Korea “jolly” row 

THREE senior Lanarkshire councillors were this week at the centre of a foreign trips row – after attending an event in South Korea.

The three travelled 5500 miles to this year’s International Children’s Games in Daegu at a cost for flights and accommodation of almost £4000.

South Lanarkshire Council deputy leader Jackie Burns, North Lanarkshire Council leader Jim McCabe and that authority’s leisure committee chairman Jim Logue, accompanied 18 young athletes and six coaches.

Three North Lanarkshire Council officials, including leisure boss Blane Dodds, also made the trip.

They left on July 10 and arrived back on July 19, spending seven nights in South Korea.

Total costs of the trip, for the entire party, have been estimated at £60,000, of which £20,000 was paid for by sponsorship.

Air fares for the three councillors came to about £3000, and they stayed in a £42-a-night hotel at a total cost of £882.

This week both the SNP and Tories insisted the presence of the three Labour councillors on the trip was unnecessary.

However, Councillor Burns said that, having hosted the event last year, it would have been “discourteous” not to attend this year’s games.

A total of 1500 participants from 35 countries took part in the latest games between July 12 and July 17.

The Lanarkshire delegation, headed by Mr Dodds, flew out of Glasgow Airport on July 10 for the 28-hour trip.

A North Lanarkshire Council spokesman said because they booked with Emirates 30 economy class tickets, at £1000 each, they were offered – and accepted – four business class upgrades at no extra cost.

The three councillors and Mr Dodds flew business class and also had access to the executive departure lounge at Glasgow Airport during a three-hour wait there.

Although Team Lanarkshire came home last week with 13 medals, the councillors who made the trip were criticised by political opponents.

South Lanarkshire SNP Group press spokesman Jim McGuigan said that, in the run-up to last year’s games in Lanarkshire, it was right for councillors to attend other host cities and learn how to stage a successful event.

He added: “We did not send any SNP councillor to Daegu because we felt that, from this year on, the money available should be used to send our young people, rather than councillors, to the games.

“It would appear that the councillors have seen this as just another reason for an expensive jolly.”

South Lanarkshire Tory councillor Graham Simpson added: “I can't honestly see the justification for any councillor to be on this trip.

“Councillors need to think very carefully about accepting such lavish hospitality at the taxpayers' expense.

“I do think the continued participation of South Lanarkshire kids in the Children's Games is a good thing but I don't think councillors need to accompany youngsters taking part.”

He added: “Coaches need to be there, councillors don't.”

However, Councillor Burns said that, having hosted what many consider to be the best games ever, there was never an intention that Lanarkshire would “walk away” from future events.

He explained they now had a seat on the ICG general assembly which was held annually at the games venue, when the games were taking place.

Councillor Burns said SNP councillors had been part of previous Lanarkshire delegations to games when they were held in San Francisco, Athens and Bahrain.

He envisaged, however, that for future years they would attempt to secure from business sponsors a greater contribution towards the cost of sending young people to the games.”

Councillor McCabe added: “Jackie Burns and I were Lanarkshire’s official representatives in Korea, following the highly successful hosting of the International Children’s Games here last year.

"North and South Lanarkshire have enjoyed a highly beneficial relationship with the ICG and see it as a tremendous showcase for our young, talented athletes.

“I hope we can continue our relationship in years to come.”

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