God Willing

Peter Brookes cartoon
As you would expect George Galloway has been all over the news media this weekend - following his emphatic win over the Labour party in the Bradford West by-election.

I heard one of the interviews given by George - to Sky news if I remember correctly - in which he persistently dropped the phrase 'God willing' into his remarks.

Now this is a peculiar affectation - not one that I recall George using before - not at any point in his life - not even in the Big Brother house.

So I'm wondering to myself - what can it be all about?

Surely George has not adopted the phrase  'God willing' just to curry favour with the many Muslim voters of Bradford West - who make up around 40% of the electorate?

Well it certainly looks like that - because George also made a big deal of his alcohol intake or lack of one these days - to be more precise.

Because in highlighting abstinence from alcohol (for his whole life allegedly) - George conveniently overlooked his track record as a well-known adulterer - even though both are 'crimes' under Islamic Sharia law.

Although as far as I can tell - women seem to be the only gender group which gets stoned to death for cheating on their spouses - which seems a tad unfair.

But that's religion for you - at least when it's madly out of control.

Here's a cartoon from The Times which made me laugh.

And how curious to see George failing so miserably in Glasgow - in his attempt last year to get elected to the Scottish Parliament - yet he finds a new political 'home from home' in Bradford.

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