More Empty Rhetoric

Here's an old article from the Guardian newspaper I came across recently - another piece of windy rhetoric from the unions - back in 2004.

"Unison boosts strike fund in warning to councils

Tuesday 19 October 2004

The country's largest public service union has topped up its strike fund by £2m in readiness for future industrial action, the Unison general secretary, Dave Prentis, will tell members today.

Mr Prentis will make the announcement at a meeting of union negotiators from across the UK, to reassure members that the union will be ready to act over repeated failures by local government to tackle pay discrimination, and to stave off the threat to council pension schemes from government reforms.

The union is also concerned at the "creeping privatisation" taking place within public services.The cash boost is estimated to bring the union's central strike fund pot to £6m."

Anyone notice Unison throwing its political muscle and huge financial resources - in 2004 - into a national campaign against pay discrimination in local councils?

Of course not - it's just the usual grandstanding by union bosses - who always talk tough, but end up pulling their punches when a Labour government is in power.

The latest macho talk is all about strikes to 'fight the cuts' in the public sector - but all this will do is to lose members money they can ill afford.

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