South Lanarkshire Hearings - repeat post

The Pre-Hearing Review involving South Lanarkshire Council and its 'in-house' job evaluation scheme (JES) - is underway at the Employment Tribunal in Glasgow.

The first five days of the hearing have already taken place - and involved the Council giving evidence and explaining the background to the JES.

Further dates are already listed for:

26th October

30th November

9th,10th, 17th and 18th December

It is also possible that further hearing dates will be needed in the New Year.

Although some of the evidence is very technical about the working of the JES - South Lanarkshire claimants are welcome to come along to hear what is being said.

The underlying legal issues are about real people doing vital jobs in their local communities - but why are there such big differences in pay - between the male and female groups?

Attending one of the hearings will help claimants people appreciate the amount of work that's going on - but which can't be adequately reported on the blog site.

You will also have the opportunity of talking to - and asking any questions of - the Action 4 Equality Scotland/Stefan Cross legal team.

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