North Lanarkshire

A number of readers from North Lanarkshire have been in touch - to say that rumours are doing the rounds about the unions and the council reaching a 'deal' over equal pay.

Well, like most rumours people should treat these with a big pinch of salt - because there are talks taking place all the time - sometimes even talks about talks.

Action 4 Equality Scotland and Stefan Cross, for example, have already invited North Lanarkshire to consider settling all outstanding cases - after the council abandoned its appeal over the Home Carers' claims.

Our view is that North Lanarkshire should now face up to the inevitable - by settling these claims - rather than wasting more time and money in trying to defend the indefensible.

North Lanarkshire understands the reality of its situation - the council can't settle equal pay by having cosy chats with the trade unions - they know that the majority of North Lanarkshire workers are represented by Action 4 Equality Scotland - not GMB, Unison or Unite.

And just why have so many people voted with their feet?

Because the unions showed their true colours when they supported the council over its original settlement offers - which were worth much less than the real value of people's claims.

Because the unions supported council management over the introduction of the new Job Evaluation Scheme (JES) - which turned out to be a huge disappointment to many groups.

Because the unions were up to their necks in major issues such as the reorganisation of Home Care services - but did nothing, at the time, to protect people's interests in relation to equal pay.

So, the best advice is to accept the rumour mill for what it is - don't jump to conclusions and don't believe everything you hear.

If any useful information come to hand - pass it on. If you have any concerns, contact Action 4 Equality Scotland on 0845 300 3 800.

Or drop Mark Irvine an e-mail at:

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